Call to Love, Call to Action
A project by Michael Hall and Julia Goodman

Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 6:30 - 9:00pm


Activism without love is brittle.
Love without activism is hollow.

Each participant can share something that inspires them to love more and something that inspires political activism for themselves.

We are looking for symmetrical presentations of love and political action. They can take many forms: a poem, a song, a meditation, a prayer, a chant, a joke, a video clip. The format is flexible. *Also, we understand "love" and "political activism" as having very wide and open definitions and sometimes they are inseparable.

Also, a postcard station! Write love letters to public officials you appreciate and letters demanding action from public officials you are disappointed in. We will mail them the next day.

Chocolate and left over wine from our wedding will be served.

With love, these anxious and jealous defenders of democracy,
Julia and Michael